


drawing a floorplan

arch supplies


  1. 1. Gather supplies of graph paper (paper with squares on it) and a pencil, and markers.
  2. 2. With the paper on the table, sketch out a rectangle that is approximately 60 squares long by 40 squares wide. These are the outside lines of the room, the exterior walls.
  3. 3. Now that the walls of the room exist, you will need to draw in the furniture, supplies and other objects that would make this room the dream classroom for you.
  4. 4. As a greater challenge, draw the items in the room to scale. Scale means that the size of all of the elements are accurate in relation to the whole. So, draw the items in the room to be the correct size compared to the size of the entire room.
  5. For instance, when you look at a map of the United States, the size of Texas is relative to the size of the whole country. And Illinois, a smaller state, is smaller on the map and relative to the size of the whole country, as well as other states that are larger, like Texas.If you drew Illinois really huge, it would not be to scale to the rest of the states, or the entire map. It would be out of scale.
  6. 5. Think about comfort, light, nature, electronics, technology, soft surfaces, hard surfaces, chocolate....
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